Made a new Knotty apron for my neighbor and put one up in my Etsy shop!
Made Valentime Heart Monogrammed pillows for my girls:
(Easy, cut 2 pieces of fabric in the shape of a heart 1/2 inch bigger than you want the finished pillow to be. Pin the 2 fabrics together with the pretty sides facing each other (also called right sides together). Sew around the entire heart (with a 1/4 inch seam allowance) leaving a space about 2 inches big. Turn your fabrics inside out through the hole you left.... and stuff with polyfill (which you can find at Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Joanns...etc) Finally I hand stitched it shut. That's it...took 10 minutes a piece total)
The girls and I made Valentine's Day Cards on Saturday:
We just took a pic of the girls holding their hands out like they were holding a big balloon. Printed the pics off on copy paper and glued them to construction paper rectangles. Then took an exacto-knife and cut little slits right above and below their little gripped hands. Stick a sucker in the slits and Voila:
Then have your big girl 4 year old write her own name at the bottom:
All it took was Mod Podge, scrapbook paper and a sponge brush. We cut the paper to fit over the clipboard, sprayed it with a little water, then used the sponge brush to apply Mod Podge to the back of the scrapbook paper. Place that on the clipboard and then layer as desired to get the look you want. We tore the paper to make it look cool, then mod Podged the entire top of the scrapbook paper we had decorated it with. Finally, I took Wax paper and clipped it on the board and stacked heavy books on it for a couple of hours while the mod podge dried. Took all that off, tied a fancy tulle bow on the clip part and there you go:
After all that, I had Kyndall write a Love note on the back and the date in Sharpie!!
Kyndall even got a little sewing kit from Joanns in the $1 aisle:
She worked really hard on it...we lost the final product though, before I could take a pic! ha!
I saw these cute dresses and thought I should try to make a sassy ruffle bib. Hmm...just wanted to show you how the first time I sew things...they don't always turn out as cute as I want them to. But that is okay. I have learned from this bib to make the ruffles narrower, shorter, and less crooked:) and I'll try again!! I'll let you know how it goes...
Whew....what did your weekend look like?
Oh!! and thanks, Janette, for the stylish blog award...I'll get my act together and post about it tonight or tomorrow morning!! Love ya friend:)